
Lago Maggiore Fok Festival // Baveno (VB) – I –

Gran Bal Trad // Vialfrè (TO) – I –

Gran Bal Trad // Vialfrè (TO) – I –

Boombal Festival // Lievegem – B –

Prague – CZ –

Album notes

"Gong!" is the first release of a recently formed bal folk band in the italian and european scene, the TriBoT. The musical concept is a metissage between Piedmontese trad music and French/Belgian NeoTrad.

This metissage is created by three experienced musician on the european Trad and NeoTrad bal-folk scene, whose band already performed all over Europe:

- Massimo Losito (QuintaRua, Balbalord, Passamontagne Duo, Tribeba)
- Lorenzo Prealoni (Folkamiseria, Balbalord, Spakkabrianza)
- Jacopo Ventura (Lyradanz, Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia, Folkamiseria, Gadan)

This release is composed by 11 original compositions related to 11 different bal-folk dances, pushed by a rythmic guitar, a powerfull accorden, a punchy stomp and a jazzy musette.

A new way to rethink the Traditional Music, throughout the experiences of the musicians lining up the TriBoT!

The Project

A newly formed band, holding inside all the national and international experiences that the three musicians gathered in the scene along the last decade.

TriBoT is the sum of the influences and sonorities gathered from different situation: from old Piedmontese ballrooms to big festivals, from circoli to rock stages, looking at new sonorities but with roots firmly on the Trad music.

Never stepping back or sleeping untill the morning, the TriBot!

Jacopo Ventura

Guitar, Stomp box

Lorenzo Prealoni

Whistles, Pipes

Massimo Losito

Chromatic Accordeon